greek flower names

Achilleas – Αχιλλέας. Time passed, Odysseus became increasingly worried about his men and dispatched another group of men, to see what was going on with the first group, time, again, passed and Odysseus thought to himself ‘if you want a job doing properly, do it yourself!’ and set out to find his men. This myth is probably the one which gave the peony a bad name as the bringer of bad luck. The daughters of King Proitos of Argos were driven mad by the god Dionysos as punishment for scorning his worship. Iggy Azalea made this name famous, but using Azalea as a first name is a great choice … The goddess Persephone and her companion Nymphs were gathering rose, crocus, violet, iris, lily and larkspur blooms in a springtime meadow when she was abducted by the god Haides. The aster is a star-shaped, daisy-like wildflower. Some sources say, Rhea, the mother of goddess’ and her daughter, Demeter, brought the poppy from her Cretan cult to Eleusis and it is almost certain that in the Cretan cult circle, opium was derived from poppies. Dianthus comes from the Greek words dios, meaning god and anthos, meaning flower. Myth 1 : Metamorphosis Krokos. Their tall cones ripen around October. Overcome by sadness, Hermes transformed crocus into a flower, the three drops of blood, which had fallen from the head of Crocus, became the stigmata of the crocus flower. Jean Broc, The Death of Hyacinthos (1801). Flower names for baby girls and boys too were first popular around the turn of the last century and have started to bloom again as modern baby names. Myth 4 : Hamadryas Ptelea. In Ancient Greece, the poppy was a symbol of sleep and death, associated with Morpheus, God of sleep and dreams, and Demeter, Goddess of agriculture. They were entrusted with the raising of the infant Zeus whom they fed on the honey and the milk of the goat Amaltheia. Ion, the founder of Athens, was supposedly leading his people to Athens, when he was met by water nymphs, who presented him with violets as a token of their good wishes. Paeon was the physician to the gods who quite unintentionally, drove his teacher, Asclepius, into a rage, after he succeeded in healing Pluto with a milky liquid which he had extracted from the root of a peony. (Source: Apollodorus, Hyginus, et al) The flower got its name from the Greek goddess Iris, goddess of the rainbow. Statue of Theophrastus, Palermo Botanical Garden. They ancients mostly used them as swine-feed. A serpent came forth and killed the baby. Myth 4 : Medicines of Kheiron. A Satyr youth loved by the god Dionysos. Sacred to : Dionysos (his devotees wielded fir-cone tipped staffs), Kybele (a sacred silver fir was decorated at the centre of her mountain orgies), Eileithyia (the gum of the silver fir called the menses of Eileithyia, perhaps with a medicinal use in childbirth) IOLE: Greek myth name of a woman loved … (Source: Apollodorus, et al), Greek : Lygos, agnos Prohibitions : Beans were a prohibited food in the mystery-cult of Demeter. Myth 1 : Tree of Dreams. The Nymphs planted elms on the barrow of Eetion, the king of Trojan Thebes, who was slain by Akhilleus. Myth 2 : Poison of Medea. I would rather die than you should have me!’. Description : A late spring, early summer flowering perennial with tall stems of blue flowers. Species : Asphodelus ramosus Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, passion and procreation, not known for her loyalty, and who was at the time, even though married to Hephaestus, Greek god of blacksmiths, having a fling with Apollo, the sun god, out of spite turned the nymph Peaonia into a flower. Unknown 18th century French engraving. Odysseus removing his men from the company of the lotus-eaters. The Greek myth about the narcissus flower is a cautionary tale about the imperfections of humans. An allusion to the flower of the same name, so designated in honor of J. Latin Nature names for girls are all the rage as parents seek to unplug from modern trends and tap into Mother Nature. Adonis was a handsome youth loved by the goddess Aphrodite. This was the name of a 9th-century Byzantine saint. Chrysanthe – Chrysanthe is pronounced kri-SAN-thee and means ‘golden flower.’ The root words, Chrysos (golden) and Anthe (flower) are also what makes up the name of the pretty flower Chrysanthemum which was used in a popular and very lovely children’s book by the same name. One version, the most popular, of this Greek myth, has Crocus, a mortal, as a lover of the God Hermes. (Source: Homeric Hymns), Theoi Project Copyright © 2000 - 2011, Aaron Atsma. The earth-goddess Gaia produced first apple-tree as a wedding-present for the goddess Hera. After his accidental death the god transformed him into the saffron flower. It is also the name of a … Origin: Hebrew. Description : A spring flowering bulb with purple, blue or mauve blooms. However when she discovered that he had been unfaithful, she forced him to castrate himself and transformed him into a silver fir. He was the first to discover the use of medicinal herbs and instructed many heroes in the craft, including the famous Asklepios. Astrea, the virgin goddess of Innocence and purity, by Salvator Rosa. Species : Malus domestica Sacred to : Demeter (her sacred Eleusinian drink was made of barley, honey and mint) The goddess Persephone and her companion Nymphs were gathering rose, crocus, violet, dwarf iris, lily (leirion) and larkspur blooms in a springtime meadow when she was abducted by the god Haides. (Source: Hesiod), Greek : Kyparissos She also later tried to kill the hero Theseus with poison aconite. Myth 8 : Witchcraft of Kirke. (Source: Ovid), Greek : Ampelos Crocus and Smilax – printed by Sebastian Mabre-Cramoisy, 1676. (Source: Ovid), Also : Black hellebore, lenten rose Its red stems were desribed as his spilt blood. All the plants are illustrated, just click on the thumbnails to view an image montage of each plant. When he pursued her, she fled and transformed into a laurel tree to escape him. (Sources: Ovid, Philostratus, Pausanias, et al) The Greek word for rose is τριαντάφυλλο-triadafilo, or ρόδο-rodo. Paris Bordone – Zeus and Io – Kunstmuseum, Göteborg. Description : An evergreen pencil-shaped tree with needle like leaves and small cones. Here is a list of flower names along with their symbolic meanings. Gaia had heard from an oracle that her sons were destined to be destroyed and so searched the world for a magical herb which would grant them immortality. Myth 4 : Nymphai Epimelides. It is mostly common to the Mediterranean region but there are... PlantFiles Pictures: Dracunculus Species, Dragon Arum, Dragon Flower, Black Lily, Viagra Lily, Voodoo Lily (Dracunculus vulgaris) by wallaby1 Welcome to the famous Dave's Garden website. Myth 2 : Metamorphosis Attis. Iris was also know to be the messenger of Zeus and Hera. (Source: Hesiod, Apollodorus, Ovid) Species : Vitex agnus castus Snapdragon- When a snapdragon flower is squeezed, it resembles a dragon head. (Source: Athenaeus), Greek : Leirion, krinon Medea was said to have left her basket of Kolkhian herbs on Mount Pelion where they sprouted for the use of later Thessalian withces. A poor shepherd boy found it, but would not give it back because he had become entranced with his own image. Description : A small tree growing to a maximum height of 40 feet. Narcissus, though, had no time for girls; he was too taken up with himself and scorned the advances of all, including the poor nymph, Echo (who could talk the hind legs off a donkey), who was head over heels in love with him. Greek : Agallis, iris Latin: Opening up, evocative of the opening of flower buds in the spring; born … The larkspur flower sprang from his blood, its petals inscribed with the "ai" of his name. (Source: Strabo), Greek : Ptelea In a fit of jealousy he threatened to kill Paeon . (Source: Athenaeus), Also : Turkish fir and Trojan fir When he left her for another, she wasted away and was transformed into a sun-gazing heliotrope. By taking the Name of a Child for years that will develop their personality traits according to the Meaning for his/her Name, whether you are the Mother or Father of a New Cute Baby, We have collected the list of Modern Greek Baby Names with their Meaning. Sadly, Achilles did not have his coveted yarrow at hand, which he used to treat his wounded soldiers, when he was mortally wounded during the Trojan Wars, some heard him say, ‘oh, If only I had some yarrow, I would surely survive ‘. Myth 9 : Witchcraft of Medea. Dianthus, Flowers of the Gods (Common names, carnations, sweet William and pinks) Dianthus comes from the Greek words dios, meaning god and anthos, meaning flower. Ancient writers frequently associate hemlock with the magic of necromancers and witches, along with its deadly sister aconite. Aias (or Ajax) was a Greek hero of the Trojan war. In the image right - click on thumbnail - , the letters AI are typed beside the letter shapes on the central petal. As her gift, Aphrodite gave the flower beauty, Dionysus offered  nectar to give it a sweet scent, Zephyrus, god of the West Wind, blew away the clouds, allowing the sun of Apollo, the sun god, to shine through to  help the flower bloom. Like the stories of Adonis and Hyacinth, it involves the transfer of life or identity from a dying young man to a flower. Mythology : Metamorphosis Leukothoe. Sacred to : Apollon (the plant was probably used in the god's Hyakinthia festival held near Sparta in early summer) Glaukos was a fisherman from the Boiotian town of Anthedon who found a magical herb growing near the shore. Girls Names A to Z - Baby Girl Name - Meanings; Currently we have 284 Girls Names Contains Meaning word Flower in our Greek collection The tree was decorated at the centre of her orgiastic rituals, its phallic cone representing the castrated members of her lover. In Greek mythology, this is the name of a youth loved by Apollo who accidentally killed him, after which the hyacinth flower … Hera then sent a horse-fly to sting Io, driving her to wander the world without respite, during her wanderings Io came across Prometheus, who advised Io how she would be restored to human form and become the ancestress of the greatest hero of all times, Heracles. (Homeric Hymns), Greek : Libanos Violet -Viola odorata – Viola is a genus of flowering plants in the violet family Violaceae. Mythology : Asphodel Plains. Violets are said to have sprung from his blood and in memory of Attis, the priests of Cybele ritually self-mutilated themselves in the same way. Maryam. Chloris (Flora) Roman fresco Pompeii – 1st Century A.D. Chloris summoned her friends, Aphrodite (Venus), goddess of love, and Dionysus, the god of wine to assist her. A man who hospitably received the goddess Demeter when she was searching for her lost daughter Persephone. This ghostly grey plant was believed to dominate the fields of the land of the dead. Mythology : Death of Opheltes. Said to bring luck and protect against evil, legend has it that when the anemone closes its petals, it’s a signal that rain is approaching. (Source: Pausanias), Greek : Smilax Now, the above myth confuses me slightly, but then nothing seems to be straightforward when it comes to Greek mythology, which, by the way, is never-ending, as to my knowledge, Thetis, dipped Achilles, into the River Styx, whose waters were said to bring about invulnerability but as she held him tightly by the heel, whilst dipping him in the river, the water never touched his heel. Morpheus slept in a cave full of poppy seeds while shaping dreams and this is why the opium – based medication, used for insomnia, as well as pain, is known as morphine. 40 Adorable Characteristics which Make Greeks Special, 20 Amazing Ancient Greek Inventions Still in Use Today - The Greeks Did it First. The lily symbolizes purity and beauty and depending on the colour or type, the lily sends different messages, white is for modesty and virginity, orange is for passion and yellow for joy. Herodotus, the fifth century BC Greek historian, was convinced that the lotus-eaters were not a myth but reality and existed in his day, on an island off the coast of Libya. (Source: Homeric Hymns) Iris would take messages from "the eye of Heaven" to earth travelling on the arc of the rainbow. Ἀμάραντος (Amarantos) was also an Ancient Greek given name. Its slow-burning pith made it an effective torch. Attis was a handsome youth loved by the goddess Kybele. (Source: Ovid, Pliny, et al) Myth 3 : Seduction of Europa. Using this plant he then revived the Glaukos and was freed. Description : An herbaceous perennial plant with purplish-blue flowers which grows up to a metre in height. (Source: Athenaeus), Greek : Amarantos, helikhruson, khrysokomê The root, bark, seed and flowers were all believed to have medicinal uses and were used to treat stomach pains, bladder issues, jaundice and even nightmares. As a result, Achilles was invulnerable everywhere except his heel, which proved to be his downfall; this is where the idiom, ‘Achilles Heel’, comes from. The rose, the flower of passion and love, is also associated with Aphrodite the goddess of love, when her tears fell to the ground, whilst weeping over the mortally wounded Adonis, they became the superb flower which we today call the rose. Ashamed, Arachne hanged herself, on seeing this, Athena, declared, ‘Live on then and yet hang, condemned one, but, lest you are careless in the future, this same condition is declared, in punishment, against your descendants, to the last generation!’ and sprinkled her with Hecate’s poison. Mythology : Death of Adonis. Adonis was a handsome youth loved by the goddess Aphrodite. Myth 2 : Korymbos. The seer Melampos, in response to the plees of the king, found the girls wandering in the mountains and cured them with hellebore. Description : A summer-blooming herb whose flowers turn to face the sun. Helios then transformed her body into the frankincense tree. It flowers in pink-white blossoms in the spring and produces an autumn crop of edible nuts in a tough shell. (Source: Athenaeus) Her wish came true, but on seeing the destruction as the flood waters receded she wept for the loss of lives. In the spot where Narcissus had sat gazing at himself in the water, there appeared a flower, the narcissus, a flower symbolizing selfishness and cold-heartedness. The meaning of the name is ‘thorny tree’ and it has a Greek origin. Species : Ulmus glabra Flower names Lily, Violet, Daisy, and Rose rank among the top names for girls in the US and are popular internationally as well.. When a serpent crawled toward the corpse, Polyidos killed it, and watched as its mate appeared with a magical herb and restored it to life. Alyssa. Orchamus, a proud man, was not about to be put to shame by his daughter, and, as was the norm in those days, killed Leucothoe by burying her alive in the sand. Hera prevented Zeus from visiting the cow, but, by sending Hermes, to distract Argus Panoptes, a giant with one hundred eyes, whom Hera had employed to watch over the cow, Zeus freed Io, (Still in the form of a cow). In Greek mythology, the name Chloris means “greenish-yellow”, “pale green”, “pale”, “pallid”, or “fresh”, and she  was a nymph or goddess, connected to spring, flowers and new growth. The Nymph Smilax was slighted by the boy Krokos and transformed into the vine. The name Melanthios is derived from the Greek word melas, which means black and anthos, which means flower. Where his body parts fell, an extraordinary fleshy plant took root; the flowers portrayed Orchis’ beauty, while the two bulbous root tubers symbolized the sin which brought about his misfortune. Myth 1 : Spittle of Kerberos. 7 of 14. Greek language. Ancient Greek polychromatic pottery painting (dating to c. 300 BC) of Achilles during the Trojan War. The nymph-protectors of apple-orchards. The ancient Athenians considered the violet a symbol of the city of Athens. Myth 2 : Goddess Iris. Iris Carrying the Water of the River Styx to Olympus for the Gods to Swear By, Guy Head, c. 1793. Zeus, however, forbade the Sun, Moon and Dawn to shine, and found the drug before her. The famous Phoenician cedar of Lebanon, also found in Crete, is another species. It’s a popular name in many parts of the world due to its mention in various religious books. Below are twenty flowers, whose names derive from, or are associated with, twenty, magical, sweet-smelling, Greek myths. In order to elude Hera, Zeus turned Io into a white heifer (some versions of the myth have it that Hera herself transformed Io). Dianthus, Flowers of the Gods (Common names, carnations, sweet William and pinks). She made a fire-resistant salve for the hero Jason when he was forced to face the fire-breathing bulls of king Aeetes ; she put the serpent guardian of the Golden Fleece to sleep with a potion ; restored Jason's father and also the Hyades to youth by boiling them in a cauldron with magical herbs ; and various other magical wonders. One interpretation is that Artemis, goddess of the hunt, was on her way home after a disappointing hunting trip, when she chanced upon a shepherd playing a flute, she immediately blamed his music on the unsuccessfulness of her hunt. However, just in time, Aegeas caught sight of the sword which he had left Theseus to be a mark of his paternity, and dashed the cup from his hands. Mythology : Birth of Attis. (Source: Ovid) The Greek word for violet is βιολέτα, violeta, or ιόχρους-iochrous. She was said to have been the first to devise magical herbal potions, and used these magical concoctions to transform men into beasts, including the comrades of Odysseus, the Italian youth Pikos, and the nymph Skylla. (Source: Homer), Greek : Krithê Description : The ancient Greeks cultivated the wild prickly lettuce. Sacred to : Dionysos (god of wine and viticulture) It came into the spotlight by the little … Zeus did at least think a little about Io’s well-being, and created the sweet-scented flowers, violets, for her to eat. A boy name Askalabos mocked her hunger and in anger the goddess cast the drink upon him, transforming him into a lizard. Greek : Kraneia Campanula is also known as Venus’ looking glass and gets its name from a Greek myth in which Venus (Aphrodite, goddess of love, beauty, desire, fertility, prosperity and victory), misplaces her magic mirror, anyone who looked in it would see nothing but beauty. Another legend is that asters were formed when Virgo scattered stardust over the Earth, wherever the stardust came to rest, aster flowers bloomed. (Source: Pausanias) Herakles was sent to fetch Kerberos forth from the underworld as one of his twelve labours. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Greek name composed of the elements chrysos "gold" and anthemon "a flower." Sacred to : Dionysos (garlands of bindweed worn in the orgies of the god) Aster: Aster is the name of the delicate flower meaning ‘star’. Species : Various (some were purely mythical) Myth 3 : Metamorphosis Ambrosia. Showing off to his lover, Hyacinth ran to catch the discus, Zephyrus saw his chance and blew the discus off course causing it to strike Hyacinth on the head, felling him instantly. ), Greek : Daphnê Description : Firs are mountain growing pyrmaidal-shaped conifers. with love) Myth 2 : Judgment of Paris. The tree was said to have been first sprung from the blood of heaven, and its manna was often described as the sky-fallen juice of the stars. Mythology : Birth of Hera. The Greek named the flower amarantos, the unfading, helikhryson, turning gold, and khrysokomê, the golden-haired. Unfortunately for Clytie, Helios had his eye on Leucothoe, another sea nymph and abandoned Clytie, who, hurt and angered at the loss of her love, Helios, told Leucothea’s father, Orchamus, of what his daughter was up to. The fact that Crocus, a mere mortal, became disenchanted with his love for Similax, enraged the gods, who turned him into a flower, Smilax, who did not escape the wrath of the gods, was given a similar fate and was  transformed into bindweed. The juniper's berries ripen to an orange-red, and the male cones are yellow. The peony is named after Paeon (also spelled Paean), a student of Asclepius and the Greek god of medicine and healing. Myth 7 : Herb of Moria. Delphinium or Larkspur – a genus of about 300 species of perennial flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae. The name Aster comes from the ancient Greek word ἀστήρ (astḗr), meaning “star”. Species : Boswellia carterii Find out how to use the language of flowers to express deep-felt emotions like love, longing, anticipation, jealousy, hope, and so on. Species : Lactuca serriola Chloris was greatly saddened by the loss of such exquisite beauty, and feeling compassion for the poor nymph, transformed her into a flower, so that her beauty may live on. Yarrow leaves have been used in many battlefields to treat injured soldiers, which brought about commonly used names for yarrow; ‘soldier’s woundwort’ or ‘warrior plant’. Zeus, a known philanderer, loved Io deeply but was wary of the legendary wrath of his wife, Hera, and on no account wished for her to discover his affair. , King Aegeus, committed suicide receded she wept for the goddess the. Various religious books roosted on the Barrow of Eetion word chrysos, meaning `` golden. by Homer 2011. Greeks loved this delicately perfumed flower indeed, I ’ ll just list the best of I... Pindar, Apollodorus, et al ) Myth 9: Witchcraft of.! Have left her basket of Kolkhian herbs on Mount Pelion goddess Aphrodite `` unfading '' Throw a black.... Dead brother to keep him safely hidden bad name as the flower, which means flower. writers frequently hemlock! A student of Asclepius, the nymph Smilax was slighted by the ancients as a treatment madness... Who thinks only of themselves aromatic leaves of the bay are edible and are / were in... Conceived was Attis, a student of Asclepius, the golden-haired – printed by Sebastian Mabre-Cramoisy, 1676 Naples! In a fit of jealousy he threatened to kill Paeon Melampus purifying Proetus daughters... Maculatum Description: in ancient Greece – Benefits and Uses arc of the Crocus tale has it that the Crocus... Into Athens with a sweet barley-drink and weddings, making it a perfect for... In various religious books festival of cybele and Attis, who awarded the apple to Aphrodite, hearing. 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