workplace discrimination scale

•    This scale was used in the National Survey of American Life (NSAL) and the South African Study of Stress and Health study (SASH). People act as if they think you are not smart.5. “Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Health: The Added Effects of Racism and Discrimination.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2001 11:800-816.•    Williams, D.R. Please tell me if you did each of the following things.1. You were prevented from remaining in a neighborhood because neighbors made life so uncomfortable? JAI Press. 2 0 obj “Racism and Health: A Research Agenda.” Ethnicity and Disease, 1996 6(1,2):1-6.•    Williams, D.R. 1, Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications, 2004 254-259.•    Williams, D.R. ), Closing the Gap:  Improving the Health of Minority Elders in the New Millennium. 2012 7(1): e30501. Your Ancestry or National Origins    2. ing for employment discrimination can be conducted for research or law en-forcement purposes, but this technique is usually limited to measuring discrimi-nation at the hiring level. <> •    Williams, D.R., Lavizzo-Mourey, R., and Warren, R.C. What do you think was the main reason for this (your most recent experience)? How often are you watched more closely than others?4. and Neighbors, H., "Racism, Discrimination & Hypertension: Evidence & Needed Research", Ethnicity & Disease. In addition to what we have talked about, have you ever been treated UNFAIRLY, prevented from doing something, or been hassled or made to feel inferior by teachers or classmates?Police/Courts13. In what month or year did this happen? Talked to someone about what to do about the situation.5. The survey included a series of items aimed at measuring specific types of gender discrimination in the workplace. Copyright © 2021 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. •    Expanded from the 1995 Detroit Area Study and the MIDUS study for the YES Health Study. “Perceived Discrimination, Race and Health in South Africa: Findings from the South Africa Stress and Health Study.”  Social Science and Medicine, 2008; 67: 441-452. How often do you feel that you have to work twice as hard as others work?9. 13. A lot2. But when the person has extra weight, everybody sees this. (PHS) 1995 96-1214:320-325.•    Jackson, J.S. 79.9 million of these obese individuals are men, and 74.8 of them are women. Race The Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that employers cannot discriminate against workers or … ���MZ�����q� Accepted it as a fact of life. Nevertheless, workplace discrimination is a real and pressing issue, and candidates get their applications sidelined or overlooked due to these factors all the time. •    Williams, D.R., and Collins, C.  “Reparations:  A Viable Strategy to Address the Enigma of African-American Health.” American Behavioral Scientist, 2004 47 (7):977-1000.•    Williams, D.R. •    Williams, D.R. Have you ever been UNFAIRLY discouraged by a teacher or advisor from continuing your education?11. How often have you been unfairly humiliated in front of others at work?Response scale for all items:    Once a week or more………1    A few times a month………2    A few times a year………3    Less than once a year………4    Never…………………5. Have you ever been UNFAIRLY denied a scholarship?12. A., Williams, D. R. "Racial segregation and disparities in breast cancer care and mortality." 2004; 11:88–94.•    Measure:  In your day-to-day life, how often do any of the following things happen to you?1. Have you ever been unfairly denied a bank loan?USE SAME FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS AS FOR THE FULL SCALE, •    Developed for the YES Study •    Adapted from 2 sources:o    McNeilly, M.D., Anderson, N.B., Armstead, C.A., Clark, R., Corbett, M., Robinson, E.L., Pieper, C.F. Was your worst experience of ________________________ also your VERY FIRST experience?Response Categories:     YES -   GO TO H4. Your age2. Background: Discrimination is associated with depressive symptoms and other negative health effects, but little is known about the mental health risks of workplace gender discrimination. Available:•    Schulz, A.J., Gravlee, C.C., Williams, D.R., Israel, B., Mentz, G., Rowe, Z. A Physical Disability    11. Talked to someone about how you were feeling.6. Discrimination in the workplace covers any work related issues, and it is important for employers to take care that the company handbook, policies, and practices are uniform, regardless of employee race, gender, ethnicity, age, religion, or disability. Collins (eds. Did that happen in the last 12 months? •    Collins, C. and Williams, D.R. 8. Age discrimination is the adverse treatment of a worker based on their age. The same as the original scale. Try to avoid certain social situations and places.Response scale for all items:    Almost every day………1    At least once a week………2    A few times a month………3    A few times a year………4    Less than once a year………5    Never………6. In addition to what we have talked about, have you ever been treated UNFAIRLY, prevented from doing something, or been hassled or made to feel inferior in getting into or staying in a neighborhood that you wanted?Education10. Can you tell me if any of the following has ever happened to you:1. Try to avoid certain social situations and places?Response scale for all items:    Very often………1    Fairly often………2    Not too often………3    Hardly ever………4    Never ………5, •    Developed for the Chicago Community Adult Health Study, •    Measure:In your day-to-day life, how often do you do the following things:1. “Discrimination and Mental Health among Black and White Adults in the YES Health study.” Race and Social Problems, 2011 3(3):182-196.•    Kim, S.S., Williams, D.R.” Perceived Discrimination and Self-Rated Health in South Korea: A Nationally Representative Survey.” PLoS ONE. •    Source: In Press  Williams, D.R., John, D., Oyserman, D., Sonnega, J., Mohammed, S.A., Jackson, J.S. In what month did it happen?___________________________________H5b. “Discrimination, Race, and Health.” 1998  Proceedings of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics and Data User’s Conference, July 28-31, 1997, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., CD Rom #1. “Racial Disparities in Health: How Much Does Stress Really Matter?” Du Bois Review, 2011; 8(1): 95-113. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 7. Vengeful10. •    Adapted from NSAL for the CCAHS study. 209-243.•    Guthrie, B.J., Young, A.M., Williams, D.R., Boyd, C.J., and Kintner, E.K., “African American Girls’ Smoking Habits and Day-to-Day Experience with Racial Discrimination. 15. “Race, Place, and Discrimination.” in Carol Gardner (ed. •    QuestionnaireWe are interested in your beliefs about the way other people have treated you. You are threatened or harassed. Angry2. Your race4. You told me that you have been UNFAIRLY ________________.H1a. At any time in your life, have you ever been unfairly fired from a job or been unfairly denied a promotion?2. Cancer, 2008 113(8): 2166-2172.•    Sims, M., Wyatt, S.B., Gutierrez, M.S., Taylor, H. S., Williams, D. R.  “Development and psychometric testing of a multidimensional instrument of perceived discrimination among African Americans in the Jackson Heart Study.”  Ethnicity & Disease, 2009 Winter;19(1):56-64.•    Moomal, H., Jackson, P.B., Stein, D.J., Herman, A., Myer, L., Seedat, S., Madela-Mntla, E., Williams, D.R. endobj Racial discrimination in the workplace has been a persistent theme in Canada’s history as well as present-day times. “Perceived discrimination and mental health disorders:  The South African Stress and Health study.”  South African Medical Journal, 2009 99(5):383-389.•    Hunte, H., Williams, D.R. 1996 Wadsworth. Have you ever been UNFAIRLY suspected or accused of doing something illegal by the authorities?16. What do you think was the main reason for your worst experience? “Being Black and Feeling Blue: The Mental Health Consequences of Racial Discrimination”. Internet. “Race and Health: Basic Questions, Emerging Directions.” Annals of Epidemiology. Have you ever been unfairly stopped, searched, questioned, physically threatened or abused by the police?4. Accepted it as a fact of life.3. by Niall McCarthy, Oct 24, 2019 Workplace health and wellness in the U.S. Brown, T.N., Williams, D.R., Torres, M., Sellers, S.L., and Brown, K. “Racism and the Physical and Mental Health Status of African Americans: A Thirteen-Year National Panel Study.” Ethnicity and Disease, 1996 6(1,2):132-147.•    Williams, D.R., Yu, Y., Jackson, J.S., and Anderson, N.B. (CHECK MORE THAN ONE IF VOLUNTEERED).H5d. Tried to keep your feelings to yourself. 1995 Pp. Each measure is … “Perceived Discrimination, Race and Health in South Africa: Findings from the                                                                                                                                               South Africa Stress and Health Study.”  Social Science and Medicine, 2008 67: 441-452.•    Tynes, B., Giang, M.T., Williams, D.R., and Thompson, G.N. “The Prevalence, Distribution, and Mental Health Correlates of Perceived Discrimination in the United States.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior. “Racial Disparities in Health: How Much Does Stress Really Matter?” Du Bois Review, 2011 8(1): 95-113.•    Rooks, Ronica., Xu, Y., Holliman, B., Williams, D.R. “Racial/Ethnic Discrimination and Health:  Findings from Community Studies.”  American Journal of Public Health, 2003 93(2):  200-208.•    Wyatt, S.B., Williams, D.R., Calvin, R., Henderson, F., Walker, E., and Winters, K.  Racism and Cardiovascular Disease in African Americans:  Evidence and Implications for the Jackson Heart Study. At work, when different opinions would be helpful, how often is your opinion not asked for?3. Your ethnicity or nationality5. 1999 9(2):151-165.•    Kessler, R.C., Mickelson, K., and Williams, D.R. The Scope of Age Discrimination. “The Health of the African American Population.” Silvia Pedraza and Ruben G. Rumbaut (eds. How often do your coworkers use racial or ethnic slurs or jokes?7. How often do others assume that you work in a lower status job than you do and treat you as such?11. Overall, how much has discrimination interfered with you having a full and productive life?1. Your Age    5. In the spring of 2019, at the request of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Homeland Security Operational Analysis Center (HSOAC) fielded a survey designed to estimate the annual prevalence of workplace harassment and discrimination at FEMA and to assess employee perceptions of leadership and workplace climate.To yield the most-meaningful and -useful data on the … Washington, D.C., The Gerontological Society of America. For unfair reasons, do you think you have ever not been hired for a job?3. 3 0 obj Your Education or Income Level    10. 4 0 obj And it transcends every aspect of a person's life because everybody sees this. Have you ever moved into a neighborhood where neighbors made life difficult for you or your family?8. Pp. “Racism as a Stressor for African Americans: A Biopsychosocial Model.” American Psychologist. Pay discrimination also occurs when a difference in pay has an unlawful basis such as race or sex. “Racial Differences in Physical and Mental Health: Socioeconomic Status, Stress, and Discrimination.” Journal of Health Psychology. Your Weight    8. mCUE�*�Q���� X��5p���yV=�o�M�aKO��ݢ)���;&_�Y�F�%(gr�2�������)f��.�ɷM#�n�SK�I��� �@�!�3o�Y�V_䂊�m;�R2�����P8KWA��. & Collins, C. "Racial Residential Segregation: A Fundamental Cause of Racial Disparities in Health." 404-416.•    Williams, D.R. 3. (PROBE:  ensure that information is included about the age, gender, and race of the perpetrator).H5c. 69-80 in Whitfield, Keith E., (ed. You were denied or provided inferior medical care? Have you ever been unfairly denied a bank loan?9. How certain are you that __________ was the main reason for this experience?Absolutely positive        Pretty sure    Somewhat doubtful    Very doubtfulH5e. The results are [1] Prejudice and discrimination against men, in contrast, is blatant and overt. 3. “Racial and Spatial Relations as Fundamental Determinants of Health in Detroit.”  Milbank Quarterly, 2002 80(4): 677-707.•    Williams, D.R., Neighbors, H.W., and Jackson, J.S. This isn't like prostate cancer—nobody sees prostate cancer. The scale covers discrimination in different areas of life, including at school, at work, and in one’s neighborhood. Frustrated3. Your Gender    c.    Your Race    d.    Your Age    e.    Your Religionf. <>>> You are treated with less courtesy than other people are.2. How often do your supervisor or coworkers make slurs or jokes about women?3. Could you tell me more about what happened? “Discrimination, Symptoms of Depression, and Self-rated General Health among African American Women in Detroit:  Longitudinal Results from Eastside Village Health Worker Partnership.”  American Journal of Public Health, 2006 96(7):1265-1270.•    Borrell, L. N., Kiefe, C.I., Williams, D.R., Diez-Roux, A.V., Gordon-Larsen, P.  “Self-Reported Health, Perceived Racial Discrimination, and Skin Color in African Americans in the CARDIA Study.”  Social Science and Medicine, 2006 63:1415-27.•    Richman, L.S., Kohn-Wood, L.P., Williams, D.R., “The Role of Discrimination and Racial Identity for Mental Health Service Utilization.” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2007 26(8): 960-981.•    Oyserman, D., Uskul, A.K., Yoder, N., Nesse, R.M., Williams, D.R., “Unfair Treatment and Self-Regulatory Focus.”  Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, 2007 43:505-512.•    Williams, D.R., González, H.M., Williams, S., Mohammed, S.A., Moomal, H, Stein, D.J. 2004; 11:88–94. And even when they do make it past the hiring filter, employees can also be the victims of prejudice and biased behavior when interacting with their bosses and colleagues. Online. 4. 1999 40(3):208-230.•    Collins, C., and Williams, D.R. Your Gender    3. %���� “The Prevalence, Distribution, and Mental Health Correlates of Perceived Discrimination in the United States.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior. What is race discrimination, and how can it manifest in the workplace? Talked to someone about how you were feeling. •    Source : Sternthal, M., Slopen, N., Williams, D.R. •    Follow-up question for each item:  number of times in your life?S15. “Perceived Discrimination, Race and Health in South Africa: Findings from the South Africa Stress and Health Study.”  Social Science and Medicine, 2008; 67: 441-452. a. Worked harder to prove them wrong. For unfair reasons, have you ever not been hired for a job? Worked harder to prove them wrong.4. ), Perspectives on Social Problems. W., Scanlan, F.C., Oswald, C.M. Your Height or Weight    7. 1996; 6 (1,2), 154-166.o    Krieger, N. “Racial and gender discrimination: Risk factors for high blood pressure?” Social Science and Medicine. )# OF TIMES IN YOUR LIFE1. Our research indicates that about one in five workers 40 and older has experienced age-related discrimination. Your height or weight7. •    Adapted from 2 sources:o    McNeilly, M.D., Anderson, N.B., Armstead, C.A., Clark, R., Corbett, M., Robinson, E.L., Pieper, C.F. Your shade of skin color (NSAL)3. 1997; 9:231-261.•    Measure: In the following questions, we are interested in your beliefs about the way other people have treated you. Harvard T.H. •    Ahmed, A., Mohammed, S., Williams, D.R., “Racial discrimination & health: Pathways & evidence.” Indian Journal of Medical Research, 2007 126:21-30.•    Paradies, Y. , Williams, D.R. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2011 173(11): 1240-1243. Lufkin Industries, Inc. Race discrimination in employment Race discrimination class action brought by African American hourly and salaried employees of Lufkin Industries, Inc., an East Texas oilfield equipment manufacturing company. How often does your supervisor or boss direct racial or ethnic slurs or jokes at you?6. “Research on Discrimination and Health: An Exploratory Study of Unresolved Conceptual and Measurement Issues” American Journal of Public Health. 3. 1999 40(3):208-230.•    QuestionnaireS13. A little4. 1997; 2(3):335-351. o    Krieger N., Smith K., Naishadham D., Hartman C., Barbeau E.M. “Experiences of discrimination: validity and reliability of a self-report measure for population health research on racism and health.” Social Science & Medicine. 1999 40(3):208-230. Not at allS17. 1997; 9:231-261. Your ancestry or National Origins    2. According to The 2019 Workforce View in Europe Report from ADP, 49% of UK workers aged between 25-34 have reported facing some type of discrimination.. That’s almost one in two people that have been discriminated against. 2019;66(4):549-570. doi: 10.1080/00918369.2017.1422935. “Online Racial Discrimination and Psychological Adjustment among Adolescents.” Journal of Adolescent Health, 2008 43:565-569. 1996; 6 (1,2), 154-166.o    Krieger, N. “Racial and gender discrimination: Risk factors for high blood pressure?” Social Science and Medicine. Pp. NOH5. (Ed. How did you respond to this experience? Response scale for all items:    Once a week or more………1    A few times a month………2    A few times a year………3    Less than once a year………4    Never…………………5, •    In dealing with these day-to-day experiences that you just told me about, how often do you:1. x���mo�8����G �2�H��H��������)�~Pm��^���K��͐�M�"��H��G�¡������6���ã������|=���������>�\��/�f~�x���?9&�/^~`�1�Irqu����3"2E��h�SU��ۃW��?�}��kBҿ�ů�N�?��ziN3.���/��%����a@��wMswSu����$9���4YA�5ݡ�(C���Ϩ���y+� �i��dZВh&h�Z����"����2������׫)~�L_�g�v��z�?�y������ZN�Ӑ��lk��T�7�W����BS�J�3rNI*�/i�����MZ�WUʲ�_�B#5�ړ�^pʠ)l��6�ׇ�\Mx�Th^�R�ݢ�{Q3ρm�!2�6r{1[�T��ȋ 2005; 61(7):1576-1596. o    Taylor T.R., Kamarck T.W., Shiffman S. “Validation of the Detroit area study discrimination scale in a community sample of older African American adults: the Pittsburgh healthy heart project.” International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Everybody judges that person." Have you ever been unfairly prevented from moving into a neighborhood because the landlord or a realtor refused to sell or rent you a house or apartment?6. People act as if they are afraid of you.6. Your Religion    6. In what year was your MOST RECENT EXPERIENCE of _____________________?H5a. People act as if they think you are dishonest.7. Developed by Williams, Yu, Jackson, & Anderson (1997), the 20-item Perceived Discrimination Scale measures how often people feel that others treat them badly or unfairly on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, physical appearance, sexual orientation, or other characteristics. Experimenters measure varying degrees of discrimination. Some other reason for discrimination (Please specify:)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________S16. However, recent reports show an increase in perceived age discrimination among older employees. Thinking over your entire life, in addition to what we have talked about, have you ever been treated UNFAIRLY, prevented from doing something, or been hassled or made to feel inferior in some other aspect of your life?Response categories for all of the previous questions are Yes/No.•    Follow-up Questions:We want to talk in more detail about experiences of unfair treatment you told me about earlier.For each Question:H1. Ethan Lazarus explained in a … ONCE5. Have you ever been UNFAIRLY prevented from moving into a neighborhood because the landlord or a realtor refused to sell or rent you a house or apartment?7. •    Measure:In the following questions, we are interested in your perceptions about the way other people have treated you. (L. D. Bobo, M. L. Oliver, J. H. Johnson, A. Valenzuela, Eds.). A physical disability2. Public Health Reports, 2001. 1999 896:173-188.•    Williams, D.R., and Williams-Morris, R. “Racism and Mental Health: The African American Experience.”  Ethnicity and Health. o    Krieger, N. “Racial and gender discrimination: Risk factors for high blood pressure?” Social Science and Medicine. %PDF-1.5 Even though employers are … c. Expanded Everyday Discrimination Scale • A 10th item was added to the original scale: “You are followed around in stores.” • This scale was used in the National Survey of American Life (NSAL) and the South African Study of Stress and Health study (SASH) Your religion6. 321-326  in George Fink (ed. 6�*jU�,Q��JG� At any time in your life, have you ever been unfairly fired?2. 1997; 2(3):335-351.•    Source: Forman, T.A., Williams, D.R., and Jackson, J.S. Epub 2018 Feb 2. Sad4. NOH3a. 1 0 obj Race & Society. questionnaire commercial illustrator workplace discrimination stock illustrations. 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Well as present-day times you, but for some reason other than discrimination, age discrimination among older employees others! 1 ] prejudice and discrimination against men, and Lempert, L.B workplace discrimination scale does your supervisor boss... Orav, J.E., Brawarsky, P., Neville, B.A., Williams,,... “ Segregation and Disparities in Health. ” in Anderson, N.B U.S. South. Have you ever been unfairly discouraged by a teacher or advisor from continuing your education?.! Or boss use Racial or ethnic slurs or jokes at you? 6 unfairly given the that! Job or been unfairly denied a promotion? 2 Income level/social class………8 SPECIFY! 9:231-261.• Measure: in your perceptions about the age, gender, and Discrimination. ” of. Much has discrimination interfered with you having a full and productive life 1. Seriously by your boss? 10 Publications, 2004 254-259.• Williams, D.R continuing your education 11... 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